About Revelation Kinesiology

About Me

Hi. It is a delight introduce myself.  My name is Nikki Barrett and I run Revelation Kinesiology.

I have been working in the field of energetic healing for over 25 years and am absolutely passionate about helping others find their own healing in body, mind and spirit.  I hold a Diploma in Kinesiology and am a registered member both with the Australian Kinesiology Association and the Kinesiology Federation in the UK.  I hold a Diploma in Integrated Healing, am a Master Trainer in Magnified Healing and am a Government Accredited Trainer.  When working one-on-one with clients, I offer online treatments, face-to-face treatments and mentoring.

I’m truly honoured to be an Instructor for Integrated Healing and to have the opportunity to teach Foundations, Pathways, Concepts, Body and Mind PLUS all four Masterclasses (in all, fourteen days of training).  There are only a handful of instructors worldwide for this outstanding and profound modality.  I teach all the Integrated Healing workshops in Australia, the UK, Europe, Canada and UAE.

For those seeking to learn self-empowerment, there is the 2.5 hour Life Upgrade workshop on offer.

I have developed a number of tailored workshops including “Restore” which focusses on the jaw and sphenoid bones to restore, enhance and revitalise the energy in the body. I also teach the “Tips ‘n’ Techniques” workshop for Mums and Kids.

I have been blessed to have the opportunity to teach all over the world and when in Australia I work at a wonderful holistic practice at InOsteopathy in Merimbula and also travel with hubby and the caravan running the Travelling Roadshow, teaching workshops and running a mobile wellness clinic.


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Nikki with Lucy the Wonder Dog