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Integrated Healing in Dubai

6th February 2023 @ 10:00 - 10th February 2023 @ 18:15

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Module 1 – Healing Pathways introduces you to a new, all encompassing, holographic way of doing deep, profound and lasting change work on a wide range of mental, emotional, spiritual, neurological and physical dysfunctions.
The Healing Pathway Protocol gives you a structure that is very easy, safe and takes the stress away from the practitioner because you will be 100% guided by the wisdom of the client’s being. Therefore you need never again be worried about whether you are using the correct approach or correction. IH also gives you the confidence to know that whatever issues/ dysfunctions a client brings to the clinic, you WILL be able to work with them.
For the newly qualified kinesiologist: Integrated Healing will instill confidence by adding structure, flow and depth to your balances and by giving you a wonderfully safe system that you can work with immediately after the course, as well as a wide range of tools for your ‘tool kit’.
For the experienced kinesiologist: The huge benefit of the Integrated Healing approach is that nothing you have learned is redundant. The Healing Pathways Protocol will be a powerful add-on, rather than a replacement, for what you already know and do. You will also find that IH really turns kinesiology into kin-‘easy’-ology, by:
o Doing away with the need for Hip-and-Jaw stacking
o Giving you a percentage display
o Using Holographic Recording to capture a constant, more comprehensive stream of the information related to the client’s dysfunction, and its impact on the client’s total being, including all dimensions, energy fields and connections to the Universe
o Adding Holographic Stress Loading using one of the body’s truly holographic systems. This means that the practitioner can capture all relevant information on every dimension of the being within the Hologram. It makes for a faster and more comprehensive and profound balance
o Correcting Holographically. Because of the holographic set-up, the correction is done on every aspect of the client’s dysfunction/issue and every dimension of the client’s being, this means that the likelihood of healing crises is remote

Module 2 – Healing Concepts – 3 Day Workshop
Healing Concepts builds on Healing Pathways giving you a structure that is completely safe for working with those deep-seated issues listed below.

Inner Child Healing * Cutting Negative Energetic Cords * Clearing Invasive Energies * Soul Integration * Age Recession * Clearing Negative Amygdala Memories * Restoring Assemblage Point to Optimum Location * Clearing Redundant Vows * Clearing Deep Level Neurological Switching * Restoring Blueprint States * Clearing & Balancing Chakras * Chamber of Memories * Clearing Imprints * Finding Root Cause * Clearing Sabotage Programs * Accessing Future and Past Healed States * Hologram Access Points * Aura Hook-ups for Integration * Energy Grounding * Surrogacies

The Comprehensive Concepts Manual includes Scan Charts On The Following:
Chakras * Chakra Scanner – Front Gateways * Chakra Scanner – Rear Gateways * Energy Map * Christ Consciousness/Universal Love * Crystals * Messages form Inner Child/Soul * Sabotage * Vision

Contact Anna at Kinesiology Dubai to book in to these outstanding workshops


6th February 2023 @ 10:00
10th February 2023 @ 18:15


The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Umm Suqeim 3
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