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LIFE UPGRADE – Getting in the Flow

May 1 @ 10:00

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Life Upgrade is a self-development experiential workshop.
Life Upgrade is about empowering YOU:
giving you tools to be your “Magnificent True Self”.
Life Upgrade helps clear old programs that cause self-limiting beliefs and fears, self-sabotage and destructive behaviour.
You acquire tools to make your life easier, better, and learn strategies to enable you to truly live your greatness: to tap into your personal power point. It is a perfect “taste test” for the Integrated Healing workshops.
Open to anyone who wants to live their life with confidence and inner strength.
No prior experience required.

This workshop was developed by International Speaker, Life Coach and Psychologist, Mathilda van Dyk, Co-Founder of Integrated Healing and is presented in Dubai by Nikki Barrett – International Trainer for Integrated Healing


May 1


Jumeirah Beach, Dubai