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Restore Your Vitality

6th November 2022 @ 10:00 - 14:30

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Our health and wellness is influenced by so many aspects of our Being.

In this beautiful and gentle 4.5 hour workshop, Nikki teaches about the key roles the jaw and sphenoid bone play in the health and integrity of our body, mind and spirit. The status of the sphenoid and jaw affects many systems within our body including organs, glands, meridians, chakras, muscles, tendons and much more.

We learn a super gentle muscle test to check the integrity of the jaw and sphenoid bone followed by a balancing technique using energy and breath. The learning is completed with a wonderful grounding process which is simply yummy. Plus we learn a super easy process to balance the digestive system.

These beautiful and gentle techniques can be used on family, friends and clients.


6th November 2022
10:00 - 14:30


ॐ Earth Song ॐ Wellness Centre Snowy Mountains
95-99 Commissioner St
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