
Healing Body – 2 Day Workshop


This workshop focusses on the physical aspects of issues that clients present with.  You will learn how to focus energy and how to boost your receiving and channelling energy increasing your energy bandwidth.  Some totally cool tools for balancing so many aspects of the body.

o   Healing Body gives you easy ways to address structural and physiological dysfunctions

o   Re-introduces the power of ancient Hands-on Healing techniques

o   Gives you simple procedures to be a more powerful channel for healing energy

o   You will learn how to focus energy and how to boost your receiving and channelling energy through breathing and entrainment techniques

This module will teach you easy, non-invasive, safe ways to work with the following:

Physical Corrections (Short Protocols)

Spine and Back Problems
Atlas and Axis
Releasing Cranial Stress

Structural Alignment  –  Correcting the 7 Parallels
Fascia/Muscle/Bone Corrections  –  Working at 3 levels
Lines of Stress  –  Following the ‘lines of stress’ through the body’s inter-connected holographic matrix
Hip Rotation  –  Often the reason behind knee and ankle problems

In-depth Protocols

DNA  –  Clearing its cellular environment
Stress Response  –  Synchronising AHP
Medical Implants  –  Accepting Implants/Prosthetics
Thyroid  –  Thyroid-Hypothalamus-Pituitary function correction

Isometric Corrections

A simple technique with a very high success rate for physical, emotional and spiritual dysfunctions

Integrated Touch

Releasing the emotions related to physical dysfunction

Brain Integration

An easy technique to restore Brain Integration

[Workshop Cancellation Policy]